United Professional Firefighters Union - Western Australia
WA Firefighters Social Bowling Club (Inc)

WA Firefighters Social Bowling Club (Inc)


Download 2018/2019 Games Program:


Download Bowls Carnival Flyer:

The W.A. Firefighters Social Bowling Club require firefighters who are interested in lawn bowls to join.

The club has been going for 14 years but unfortunately through age, illness, and going to the big bowling club in the sky, we have lost a number of our retired firefighters. We have no problems getting associate members.

We meet once a month and play against the Police, R.S.L, and Metropolitan clubs.

Every 2 years we play in The Australian New Zealand Firefighters Carnival. We have visited Tasmania twice, Queensland, N.S.W., Victoria and N.Z. twice.

Our next carnival will be in held at Halls Head, Mandurah, in March 2019.

We held the carnival here using the Morley and Nollamara clubs as our venues in 2008 and had 300 people attend.  

If you are interested in coming along you can contact Vic Street - 6404 1455 

The cost to be a member is $25.00 a year and $10.00 per game to cover the cost and prizes for the winners on the day. The games are generally played once a month on a Wednesday afternoon, but please check the Games Program for details. Players to be at the venue at 12:30 for a 13:00 start.

I can assure you, you will be made very welcome.

President Vic Street


President Vic Street
6404 1455